Archive for May 2008

ReSharper 4.0 Nightly Build Finally Stable?

May 19, 2008

>My all time favorite add-on for Visual Studio, ReSharper, has finally marked one of their nightly builds for the upcoming 4.0 version as “Stable”. This is good news since 4.0 brings support for Visual Studio 2008 and the new .Net 3.5 language features such as LINQ, Extension Methods and Automatic Properties. ReSharper has become a tool that I find hard to live without and I have been using the nightly builds for the last couple months. For the most part they have been good but I’m hoping this means they will have a final release soon, originally they promised the release to be in mid-Februrary.

[UPDATE]: Looks like they have finally launched the beta for 4.0, get it here.

[UPDATE 6/26/2008]: Hooray, the final version was released last week, get it here.

Maker Faire 2008

May 5, 2008

>Today I attended the Bay Area Maker Faire 2008. Over all it was an entertaining trip, except for the hour we sat on the onramp to get to the fairgrounds. I got to see Adam Savage of the Mythbusters speak, as well as enjoy a couple rounds of Battle Bots. And for your viewing pleasure, here are some Battle Bot videos taken with my new Flip Video camera.